SlaXBMC 14.0 goes Frodo


It's True!

SlaXBMC 14.0 goes Frodo baby :)

So cutting to the chase here's how to get your current SlaXBMC 14.0 or SlaXBMC64 14.0 moved from XBMC Eden to XBMC Frodo.

SlaXBMC 14.0 Users

  1. Download all Frodo update packages for your architecture in your HTPC (i.e under /opt) from
  1. Exit XBMC to Desktop and start an XTERM console (it's on right click menu!)
  2. Change into the folder you have download the update packages to and remove obsolete packages by issuing the following commands
    cd /opt
    removepkg libcec-1.9.0-0
  3. Install all new packages one at a time as follows
    installpkg libcec-2.0.5-i486-1xsb.txz
    installpkg swig-2.0.8-i486-1xsb.txz
    installpkg taglib-1.8-i486-1xsb.txz
    installpkg tinyxml-2.6.2-i486-1xsb.txz
  4. Upgrade existing packages one at a time as follows
    upgradepkg ConfigSys-1.1-i486-1xsb.txz
    upgradepkg ConfigWM-1.1-i486-1xsb.txz
    upgradepkg ConfigXBMC-1.1-i486-1xsb.txz
    upgradepkg xbmc-12.0-i486-1xsb.txz
    NOTE: The new Config* packages (amongst other improvements) allow users to switch easily from using PulseAudio configuration to ALSA by issuing initially the command "pa_conf disable" on XTERM or Alt+F2 and managing the switching process from that point on from the Desktop using the right click menu Multimedia->Audio section

SlaXBMC64 14.0 Users

  1. Download all Frodo update packages for your architecture in your HTPC (i.e under /opt) from
  1. Exit XBMC to Desktop and start an XTERM console (it's on right click menu!)
  2. Change into the folder you have download the update packages to and remove obsolete packages by issuing the following commands
    cd /opt
    removepkg libcec-1.9.0-0
  3. Install all new packages one at a time as follows
    installpkg libcec-2.0.5-x86_64-1xsb.txz
    installpkg swig-2.0.8-x86_64-1xsb.txz
    installpkg taglib-1.8-x86_64-1xsb.txz
    installpkg tinyxml-2.6.2-x86_64-1xsb.txz
  4. Upgrade existing packages one at a time as follows
    upgradepkg ConfigSys-1.1-x86_64-1xsb.txz
    upgradepkg ConfigWM-1.1-x86_64-1xsb.txz
    upgradepkg ConfigXBMC-1.1-x86_64-1xsb.txz
    upgradepkg lloyd-yajl-2.0.4-0-gfee1ebe-x86_64-2xsb.txz
    upgradepkg rtmpdump-2.4-x86_64-2xsb.txz
    upgradepkg xbmc-12.0-x86_64-1xsb.txz
    * NOTE: The new Config* packages (amongst other improvements) allow users to switch easily from using PulseAudio configuration to ALSA by issuing initially the command "pa_conf disable" on XTERM or Alt+F2 and managing the switching process from that point on from the Desktop using the right click menu Multimedia->Audio section
    ** NOTE: The lloyd-yajl and rtmpdump packages were bumped to build revision 2 due to their libs being installed on /usr/lib rather than /usr/lib64 as should for this architecture

As usual the source code/SlackBuild scripts for the packages above, should you need to compile them yourself, are available here. Also, don't forget to install the  packages under the missed+found directories (available here for x86 and here for x86_64) if you plan on using WiFi connection to your router and would like to have some power management feature taking place on your HTPC (thanks to Kite Lau for pointing this out).

In case you notice and wonder what this slack-descrpi is all about on each package source code; Yeap you have guessed right SlaXBMCRPi is just around the corner, just stay tuned };)


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