What is SlaXBMC

The official linux distribution that XBMC is offered to the linux community is Ubuntu, which is understandable from one point of view because it does make linux approachable to windows users. All they have to do should there be a problem is post it on the ubuntu forums where a gossu user will most probably come back with a simple solution in the form of "apt-get $^^$@oh my world#$#$".

Now, if you are a linux user of a distribution that allow you to compile software packages from source out of the box, provide a user friendly base, is stable and allow you to compile the latest linux kernel source following the official instructions that is probably the reason why you are still reading this instead of press the back button on your browser.

One such distribution is Slackware and the purpose of the SlaXBMC blog is to provide you with a step-by-step guide on:
  1. How to create a lean Slackware installation (using the official Slackware release) ready for XBMC
  2. How to install all the required packages including XBMC
    • The easy way (using ready made slackware packages)
    • The gossu way (download their source and compile it yourself!)
  3. How to configure XBMC

For those of you that hold their temper to press the back button after the very first paragraph, you might be asking why should you want to go though all this hassle. The reasons and benefit to this approach range from technical to non-technical, and I will enlighten you with a brief listing:
  • No all computer systems (even HTPC) are the same so your built is tailored to your machines capabilities
  • You learn more about the basic structure of your linux distribution
  • Allows you to get/install bleeding edge features of your beloved software by compiling them yourself from source
  • Allows you to get software on your systems that no-one else has created a "package" for them
  • You do help the GNU linux software community by filling bugs on ground zero problems or even better solutions
  • You do keep your system hardware in peek performance when using the latest improvements the Linux Kernel has to offer
  • You provide support to the Linux Kernel community by reporting inconsistencies and problems when using the unmodified kernel source

That's all folks...
So lets shoot to Chapter 1 of the guide ;)


Anonymous said...

Can we expect a SlaXBMC based on 14 any time soon?

Analekto said...


The x86 version ISO is complete.

I'm currently working on the x86_64 version and the source code buildup following which will all be placed on the public domain for consumption };)

If I were to estimate the release date I would say end of October to mid November...


Anonymous said...

It's a great idea but I'm lost right out
of the box ! I''ll be damned if I can
find a text editor in the slackware 14.1
release of SlaxBMC - no pico - no nano -
no vi - no emacs . Any help ??

Analekto said...

I suspect you're in pure console using Alt+Ctrl+Fn; try "joe" or "mc"

Fyi, you can always drop out of XBMC to the Desktop when you select "Exit" in XBMC and retrieve the editor of your preference using one of the following methods:
1. Lazy Method
On the right click menu you can set under "System Tools" the Repository Mirror, Get Record Updates and finally Search/Install Package (make sure you follow the mentioned order)

2. Equally Lazy Method using a Desktop Xterm
Start an "xterm"
Select a mirror using "slackpkgext mirror"
Pick-up the latest updates using "slackpkg update"
Install an editor or other program i.e. nano using "slackpkg install nano"

You can get back into XBMC from the right click menu "Start XBMC" option [unless you have used "#" to toggle between windowed/full XBMC screen mode if you're not in RPi in which case press "#" once again ;)]

- OR (my favorite)-
3. Extremely Lazy method without exiting XBMC
Replace on method 2 the "xterm" line with pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2 and do the rest of the steps from pure console getting back into XBMC at the end using Ctrl+Alt+F7

I hope this helps.
